Catching up with Bites by Bianca| interview with Filam Baking Sensation Bianca Fernandez
Written By Niko Del Rey
By now, I’m sure you’ve heard of the viral baking sensation @Bitesbybianca. Bianca Fernandez, having been featured on some of the biggest pages like Buzzfeed and POPsugar, Bianca’s baking has caught the eyes (and stomachs) all across the internet. Not only is she a very talented baking artist but she is a good friend of mine and sharing her story about her journey from a career in research biology to a full time professional baker is a joy and honor to share with our Kollective Hustle family. Let’s take a look at how she became the artist she is today.
1. Bianca, baking has always piqued your interest from a young age, who or what inspired you to get where you are today?
I’ve always loved watching Food Network when I was younger. The idea of making things like noodles or doughs from scratch was sooooo cool to me. But, it wasn’t until high school when I started baking things that weren’t from grocery store box mixes. That’s when I started baking macarons and had lots of fun experimenting with different designs and flavors.
However, during college, I pretty much paused on baking. Instead, I consumed a lot of food media on YouTube by watching channels like Binging with Babish, Bon Appetit, and America’s Test Kitchen. I also adored watching The Great British Bake Off and seeing all of the amazing things contestants would make.
After college, I moved to Boston alone for work. I didn’t know anyone at all. So, I turned to baking as a hobby to fill my time outside of my job. I ended up randomly joining this Facebook group called Subtle Asian Baking (SAB), and that’s where my baking really took off.
If you’re not familiar with SAB, it’s a place where people from all around the world share pictures of their subtly Asian bakes. For example, people would make chocolate chip cookies, but add miso paste, which in turn makes it subtly Asian. I loved seeing everyone’s creativity, which inspired me to keep baking and create my own recipes, too.
So, I started publicly posting my desserts on SAB and on my own Instagram. I ended up having a few viral posts, which led to brand deals, which eventually pushed me to do this full-time.
Orea Mochi Donuts, Photo Credit: Instagram @bitesbybianca
2. You went to school to study in biology & chemistry, followed up by a career working in Boston as a cancer research assistant. What was one of the biggest obstacles you faced along the way transitioning from being a cancer research assistant to a full time baker and how did you overcome it?
Two of my biggest fears were that (1) I wasn’t sure if I was making the right choice and (2) I was worried what others around me would think. But when thinking of the people in my life, I realized I knew a bunch of older adults who switched career paths a few times, even in their 40’s and 50’s. And when looking back on my conversations with past college professors, a number of them said even they didn’t know where life would take them in 10 or 15 years.So, I decided life is too short to wonder, “What if?”, and that I’d give baking a try.
I promised myself I’d try full-time baking for a year or two, then go from there. I knew I could always fall back on my biology degree and work in a lab if I wanted to go back.
Then a year of full-time baking and job hopping passed. At that point, I already knew being a pastry cook wasn’t for me. I didn’t enjoy the early morning hours and how physically exhausting it could be. But throughout all of this, I was working on my blog and collaborating with a few brands here and there.
This year, I turned to blogging full-time. I had the same fears: wondering if I made the right choice and what other people would think. But after a few months of working hard on my blog and the continued support of my friends and partner, I was able to make this work very sustainable for me. And I’ve never been happier!
3. I’m sure it wasn’t easy to change careers in a field opposite to what you studied in order to follow your passion. Were there any moments of self-doubt and what do you do to build yourself back up?
Wow wow wow, yes, this was one of the most difficult things I had to do. I had many, many moments of self-doubt, which sometimes still creep up on me today. I didn’t go to culinary or pastry school, so what business do I have creating recipes? But, I know my food is good and that other people love following my recipes. Plus, I focus on simple, approachable, cute desserts that anyone at home can make.
What truly builds me back up is reading comments from people who’ve tried my recipes. Whether it’s their first time baking, or they wanted to make something small for their partner, it really brings me joy. It makes me happy to spread smiles through food, even if it’s a simple cookie that looks like a frog or bear.
When I do have strong feelings of self-doubt, my friends and boyfriend help keep me rooted. Oh, and my therapist too! 😆
Chocolate filled steamed buns, Photo Credit: Instagram @bitesbybianca
4. Knowing what you know now, what would you do differently?
Honestly, I would not change anything! I’m really happy with where my path has taken me. I sincerely appreciate the education I got, the friendships I made, and the connections I created within both STEM and culinary fields.
I’ve had the privilege to explore what I want to do. I put my all into both school and work. This helped show me what I enjoy doing the most, and to me, that’s really important to do in your 20’s and 30’s. Because in my early 20’s, I pictured myself as either a cell biologist, primatologist, doctor, food scientist, bakery owner, the list goes on. But I wasn’t sure if those fields were right for me.
The only way to figure that out was by trying everything out to see if I liked it, whether it was through school, clubs, or jobs. This helped me figure out who I am and who I aim to be. Every experience has shaped me into who I am today and I’m grateful for that!
5. On your website, you talk about how you used to have a page @macaronsbybianca in high school, what was that key moment or inspiration that pushed you to create your IG again and start baking?
Since I moved to Boston without knowing anyone, I didn’t have friends. I was also the first hire in the lab I worked at, so I didn’t have coworkers to hang out with outside either. And about half a year into my move, the pandemic started, making it harder to meet people outside of work. So, I turned to the kitchen and started baking.
During this time, I was reminiscing about my @macaronsbybianca era. So, I decided to start posting food on my personal Instagram. I realized my personal feed was solely baking, so I asked my friends on my story what my new account should be. Someone from my college said, “Bites by Bianca”, and I fell in love. I made the account literally 2 minutes later.
6. You’ve talked about foodtography school, creating your website, brand deals etc. What is one of the biggest lessons you’ve learned so far ever since starting your own business?
A big lesson I learned is educating yourself never stops! I had NO idea how much went into creating a website, developing recipes, taking pictures, recording videos, and adapting with the ever-changing social media algorithms. It feels like things are changing so often. I mean, even Instagram Reels and TikToks are still relatively new!
I even learned there are different courses out there for all of those topics. Some are crazy expensive, lots of info is free online, and some classes are extremely worth the money. But, the bottom line is that it’s really important to do your own research, make connections within your network, and keep practicing to find your niche & hone your craft. Keep learning to know more on how to conduct your business and where you want to be!
7. Fast forward to 5 years in the future, where do you see yourself? Or to go even deeper, what is the ultimate goal for you to achieve?
My ultimate goal is to write a baking book: one with easy, cute recipes, with ways to make each one vegan or gluten-free. I want to include lots of Filipino + Asian flavors, too. That is my dream!
Strawberry Kirby Sugar Cookies, Photo Credit: Instagram @bitesbybianca
8. What do you think the purpose is behind your ‘hustle’?
There are a few reasons why I blog. I want to help people wind down from their busy lives by watching cute baking videos. I love providing fun baking ideas for friends and family to make over the weekend as a way to bond with one another. I enjoy seeing people follow my recipes because they want to gift cute cookies to their mom or partner, since food is their love language. I sincerely love spreading joy through food. It’s my “why”.
9. Any last few words of advice to anyone else considering pursuing a career in food blogging / baking?
Join online communities and make connections within your niche!
When I started blogging, it was just for fun. But then I started getting more serious with it, and had sooo many questions. So, I joined a bunch of Facebook groups specific to blogging and food photography. I learned a lot through advice from others, which helped me land better brand deals, monetize my blog, and hone my photography skills. There are so many people willing to help beginners. There’s always room to add an extra seat to the table to anyone who wants to join.
And if you’re reading this and would love some advice from me, please feel free to reach out too via Instagram or email (!