Top 6 Filipino Superfoods and Why You Should Incorporate Them into your Diet
Written by Jennifer Redondo
When we talk about Filipino food, it's easy to get lost in the dreamy images of crispy lumpia, decadent halo-halo, and the irresistible aroma of lechon wafting through the air (we can just hear the ASMR right now). And let's not forget those internet-famous memes featuring Filipino blood cells as slices of fried Spam (!).
But here's the thing – the Philippines is like a treasure trove of natural goodies ON TOP of all the indulgent goodness of Filipino party staples: yes, it is true, Filipino Superfoods DO EXIST- and these goodies are real nutritional superheroes. No, they won't swoop down to save the day- like make your Titas stop asking about when you’re gonna get a boyfriend or stop your Mom from nagging about going to church more, but they've got some seriously life-boosting health perks that you shouldn't ignore.
For those of you who are not quite sure what a superfood is, it is exactly what it sounds like: a supernaturally enriched food that you should incorporate into your everyday diet due to its health benefits. Superfoods are nutritiously dense foods that have exponentially more benefits than their everyday counterparts. Here’s a list of six Filipino superfoods that you should stock up on on our next trip to the store:
1. Mango
Mangoes are the golden child and pride of the Philippines. They’re fan favorites because they are delicious, but also packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and high in antioxidants. They can easily be found in the fresh produce section, frozen, or dried. You’re probably used to eating the Philippine dried mangoes that you can get from the Asian market. They even sell a huge bag of Philippine dried mangoes at Costco! Though, it’s best when eaten fresh or when you consume healthier versions with less ingredients and no added preservatives.
Superfood Powers:
Immunity Boosters: Mangoes are high in vitamin C and are known to boost immunity.
Sleep Aid: Mangoes are rich in vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is responsible for the synthesis of serotonin which is used to produce melatonin. Melatonin induces sleep and can improve the quality of your sleep.
Good for the Gut: The pulp from the mango helps soothe the stomach and intestinal lining, which help to alleviate constipation. Since mangoes are high in fiber, it can help you feel full longer and can also help prevent bloating. Mangoes are a good alternative to sweets such as cookies. Next time you’re craving something sweet, reach for a mango, your waistline will thank you.
Promotes a Healthy Heart: The soluble fiber in mangoes help maintain a healthy blood flow, therefore lowering your cholesterol, which is the plaque buildup in your blood vessels and arteries. Mangos contain magnesium and potassium. These two minerals help control your blood pressure. Potassium rich foods can help boost your cardiovascular health, preventing heart disease and stroke.
Beautiful Skin: Mangoes are rich in beta-carotene which helps strengthen and support the skin. Mangoes also contain vitamins A, C, and E which are antioxidants. Antioxidants are beneficial for healthy hair and help fight skin damage.
Cancer Prevention: Mangoes are high in antioxidants, which protect your body and cells against free radicals. Mangoes have been linked to destroying or stopping the growth of various cancer cells.
2. Malunggay/Moringa
Malunggay also known as moringa is known as the “miracle tree” because the entire plant is edible and it’s packed with protein! Moringa is rich in amino acids and it’s a good source of calcium, iron, and vitamins A, B, C,and E. The leaves are loaded with more vitamin C than oranges! That’s why the leaves are commonly boiled or used in herbal teas. Moringa can also be found in capsules or powder form. It’s a very versatile plant that can be used to treat sore muscles or help reduce stress.
Superfood Powers:
Anti-inflammatory: Moringa helps relieve joint pain, which is why it’s used to combat Rheumatoid Arthritis. It’s also linked to helping reduce obesity, insulin, and cholesterol.
Improves Bone Health: Moringa leaves are rich sources of calcium and phosphorus, which are needed for good bone health. Moringa helps improve bone structure and helps keep teeth strong.
Balances Blood Sugar: Ingesting moringa helps your body better process sugar, which may affect how your body releases insulin. This is extremely helpful for those with diabetes.
Blood Pressure Stabilizer: Moringa acts as a cardiac stimulant, which helps stabilize blood pressure, reduce fat and cholesterol.
Cancer Fighting: Moringa leaves contain niazimicin, which is a bioactive compound that suppresses the development of cancer cells. Studies have shown that the plant is an antitumor promoter.
Sex Drive Enhancer: Moringa brings down cortisol levels, and naturally boosts testosterone levels. Studies have shown that moringa leaves are a natural aphrodisiac that can help improve stress inducesexual dysfunction that’s induced by stress.
3. Guyabano/Soursop
Guyabano also known as soursop is a green, oval shaped fruit that has spikes on the exterior. The white, fibrous flesh tastes as if a mango and pineapple got married. It’s low in calories, but high in fiber and vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium. Soursop can be found in juices, smoothies, sorbets, and teas. Though, like most fruits, it’s most often enjoyed in raw form, minus the seed which is toxic and should not be eaten.
Superfood Powers:
Healthy digestion: Soursop is high in fiber, which helps promote regularity and prevents digestive issues.
Anti-cancer: Studies have shown that soursop has the power to reduce the size of tumors and helps to eliminate cancer cells.
Bacteria fighter: Soursop is a powerful antibacterial, which has the ability to kill off different types of bacteria, including gum disease, cavities, yeast infections, cholera, and Staphylococcus.
Super Hydrating: Soursop pulp contains about 82 g of water, which is much more than any recovery drink.
Healthy eyes: Soursop is loaded with antioxidants such as vitamin C, E, zinc, and beta-carotene which decrease the risk of eye disease.
4. Calamansi
Calamansi is a small citrus fruit that is also called the “golden lime”. It’s a cross between a mandarin orange and kumquat. It is also multi-purpose, as it’s most commonly used to make juice, marinate meat, skin products, and household cleaners. Because calamansi has a high acidity content, it is the go to for marinades because it also serves as a natural meat tenderizer. It helps to break down tough fibers, resulting in more tender and flavorful dishes.
Superfood Powers:
Lowers cholesterol: Calamansi is rich in pectin, which is a soluble fiber that lowers LDL.
Strengthens immunity: Calamansi is a citrus fruit, which is high in vitamin C. This helps fight viruses, which is why it’s often used in juices and added to teas or soup.
Skin health: Vitamin C is a popular ingredient used in beauty products. Vitamin C promotes collagen production and reduces signs of aging. Some Filipino women rub fresh calamansi over their face, in hopes that it will brighten and even out their skin tone.
Natural detoxifier: Calamansi flushes toxins out of your organs and body. It also helps burn and reduce fat, which is good for those looking to control or lose weight.
5. Jackfruit
Jackfruit is the largest tree fruit in the world. Fruit can weigh as much as 110 pounds! The rind is green or yellow and spikey. Some deter the smell, but it’s not as potent as its cousin, durian. It tastes much better than it smells, like a cross between a pineapple and banana. It can be found in many forms: fresh, frozen, or canned. These days they can also be found shredded and packaged in the vegan section. Jackfruit is being used as a meat substitute to create dishes like carnitas or sloppy Joe’s sandwiches.
Superfood Powers:
Protein Packed: Jackfruits provide more than 3 grams of protein per cup. This is why it’s used as a meat substitute for vegans and vegetarians.
Lower inflammation: Jackfruit’s flesh is full of key nutrients like vitamin C, potassium, calcium, iron, niacin, riboflavin, and folic acid. Vitamin C is key to reducing inflammation, therefore lowering your risk of chronic disease.
Promotes healthy skin: Jackfruit contains vitamin C, which helps produce collagen, which plumps and smooths out your skin. Jackfruit also contains phytonutrients which help with anti-aging.
Prevents Anemia: Jackfruit is high in iron, which boosts hemoglobin levels in the blood. It’s also high in magnesium and copper, which help to keep blood circulation healthy.
Improves Vision: Jackfruit is high in vitamins A and C, which help reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.
6. Coconut
The coconut is a very powerful fruit. It has many uses, from the water, milk, oil, and meat. Almost every single part of a coconut can help enhance and supercharge a person’s health. It’s an incredibly healing food with tons of benefits.
Superfood Powers:
Electrolytes: It’s one of the highest rated sources of hydration. During World War II it was used as IV fluid for wounded soldiers.
Antibacterial and antiviral: Coconuts contain lauric acid, which forms monolaurin. This allows coconut to kill off pathogens and fight against fungi, viruses and bacteria. It’s been shown to kill staphylococcus aureus and candida.
Controls blood sugar: Coconuts are low in carbs, high in fiber and fat which help control blood sugar.
Weight loss agent: Coconuts contain a medium-chain fatty acid, which aids in weight loss and also boosts your metabolism. It also helps burn fat.
This list doesn’t contain all of the benefits, but simply highlights the power of the foods featured. Hopefully these benefits will encourage you to start incorporating them into your lifestyle. It’s these small changes that can make a big difference down the road. By selecting healthy food that actually tastes good can help make it easier for you as you especially as you continue to age. These superfoods have the ability to make you glow from the inside out. As a result, you will also look and feel younger, lighter, and brighter. You don’t have anything to lose – but everything to gain. So on your next grocery haul, make sure to add these powerhouses to your list!
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