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Top 10 Filipino Proverbs That Our Parents Love To Say
LIFE Julian Noche LIFE Julian Noche

Top 10 Filipino Proverbs That Our Parents Love To Say

Words of wisdom or proverbs are known as "Salawikain" or "Sawikain" in Tagalog or "sarsarita" in Ilocano. Like most proverbs the world over, most of us have probably heard all Philippine proverbs throughout our childhood- usually in the form of scolding or warnings from our parents.

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Long Distance Relationship Ideas that Helped Me and My partner Keep the Spark Alive
Entertainment, LIFE Julian Noche Entertainment, LIFE Julian Noche

Long Distance Relationship Ideas that Helped Me and My partner Keep the Spark Alive

Anyone who has been in a Long-Distance Relationship (LDR) will tell you that it takes a lot of work- and that the distance is one of the major obstacle that couples face. So is the case for me and my long distance girlfriend, Gabbi. I live in California while she is in The Philippines, a distance of roughly over 7,000 miles.

Although we lacked the ability to be physically close to each other, we felt strongly that our relationship shouldn’t have to suffer for it. And with a little work on both our parts, and with the right amount of effort and creativity, we realized we could keep the spark alive even though we were thousands of miles apart.

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A Tale of Two Tabos: What Assimilation Looks Like As a 2nd Generation Filipino-American
Culture & Community KOLLECTIVE HUSTLE Culture & Community KOLLECTIVE HUSTLE

A Tale of Two Tabos: What Assimilation Looks Like As a 2nd Generation Filipino-American

Growing up with immigrant parents can be one of the most interesting yet odd experiences. From my own life, my parents would weave in Tagalog with their English anytime there wasn’t an English word that translated well. The perfect, yet somewhat strange example, is the tabo. I’ve never had so much difficulty explaining something from the Philippines more than the tabo.

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