Exclusive BLOGS
Stories and Lessons about us & for us.
24 Filipinos Deported, With 80 More Facing Immediate Risk | What You Need to Know and Do Now
The recent deportation of 24 Filipinos from the United States is a wake-up call for our community. While the news may feel unsettling, it’s important to approach this with a clear head. There are steps you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones, but it starts with knowing the facts.
The Hidden Islands: How Many Islands Does the Philippines Really Have? And Why Does it seem like its always changing?
The Philippines is an archipelago in Southeast Asia. Being located at the Pacific Ring of Fire, one of the most intriguing aspects is its vast collection of islands. The official number of islands has been a subject of fascination and debate.
From Eagle Rock to Sacramento | FIlAM Jessica Caloza ignites change in the 2024 Californa State Assembly Race
Did you know that there is a Filipina running for Assembly in the State of California? Jessica Caloza is running for Assembly District 52, which is the heart of Los Angeles.
10 things to know about Rechie Valdez | FIRST Filipino-Canadian WOMAN to Serve Cabinet in Canada
We are so proud of Rechie Valdez, such a huge, significant milestone for Filipinas, taking on the role of Minister of Small Business in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s new Cabinet. Valdez has always been a huge advocate for her Filipino heritage, so much in fact that before reciting her oath, it was noted by the Rappler that she uttered “Mabuhay.”
Late Filipina Civil Rights Leader, “Tita” Alice Bulos, Honored with Memorial Highway in Daly City
A portion of State Route 35 was dedicated in Daly City in the Bay Area and a sign commemorating Alice Pena Bulos has been erected announcing the Alice Peña Bulos Memorial Highway. She was known as the “Grandmother of Filipino-American Politics.”